Friday, March 29, 2013

Plant Mock Up

The conveyor is complete and sitting in it's location, all other structures are in their final location. All need weathering, the conveyor needs all of the vertical supports scratch/kit bashed yet but the plant layout is where I like it. I have a lot of piping and details I want to complete on this complex. Several Radical Flats buildings will be used on the back drop, after I put the one I will create behind them.
What else have I been doing since the last post? Weathered a lot of cars and built a through truss bridge. The water crossing just behind the camera will be the next area I move to after completing this corner.

New back ground building and bridge construction

I purchased a Walthers back ground building and as usual I threw out the instructions and started making it fit. I have actually just about finished it but have not photographed the area. The overpass concrete guard rails have been assembled and set in place temporarily here. I have since added the deck and side walks to the overpass which will sit on top of the white plastic so that I can pull it off as necessary to clean the tracks underneath.
I have also finalized the structure layout for the "Chemical Plant". I really need to work on the photo back drop for this area. I will compose it in photoshop and then have it printed at Office Max.

Back ground buildings

I purchased the complete Radical Flats collection and added the buildings to the back drop behind the yard. Now it looks a little more like Portland, Maine.